In the age of information overload, expertise is not knowing lots of stuff — it's the ability to sort the useful from the useless

Ambition: How to secure 90+ marks within 90 minutes study.
Truth: MA English literature, a course for mastery in literature, demands you to read, explore and research various sources. If you are poor in English and don’t know the difference between affect or effect & Nobel or Novel then immediately change your course.
Many choose IGNOU course as Desperate Choice or Last Resort, they begin with enthusiasm to learn and sometimes end confused or bored.
Let’s start clear discussion.
Certain things that you should avoid are.
Don’t use telegram or WhatsApp group of MEG Mentors as Tinder.
Don’t hunt students from your study center. We have separate groups for Study and regional centers also.
Don’t blindly join any group to increase mess. Join groups where Teachers or at least Mentors are present.
Don’t just collect pdf or notes, they are already in our telegram group and website and attached in a structured way to make it easy to study. Focus on Finishing.
Don’t ask for solved assignments. I have 4-7 types of expensive solved assignments and they are not par for good score. (prepare one answer yourself every week).
(Don’t call or personal message any admin until it’s urgent?)
How to prepare for IGNOU MEG Course from scratch.
Stage1: Identifying the course structure & Syllabus
a) Register on IGNOU Samarth website, to download ID card, change SC/RC, assignments, papers and Ignou support.
b) Download the latest syllabus and take at least 3-6 reading of your subjects.
c) Download your admission session assignments and MUST open and read anyone till page 3 of assignments to know the guidelines, rules and last date of assignment submission
d) Exam forms need to be filled a month before exams. If Exams are in December then fill exam forms in November.
e) Download previous year exam papers (only last 3 years) and understand pattern & how the examiner frame questions. It enables you to understand priority topics.
(Register on website for class updates and peers support)
Stage2: How to study the English Literature course.
a) Understand what should be avoided or have lower priority to our course.
b) Join the MEG Mentors telegram group for notes and YouTube channel for class lecture recordings.
c) Specific to each subject, at, I have shared preparation strategy and uploaded notes there itself to save your time.
d) Finish the self-study part at the earliest, we will take your quiz test to assign a live discussion group of serious students and personal Mentor to boost your studies.
Keep Checking and send your valuable suggestions at

Useful links
1.Strategy to prepare MEG01 British Poetry
2.Strategy to prepare MEG05 Literary Theory and Criticism
3. How to select second-year subjects?
4. How to download solved assignments?
5. Group study and subject wise WhatsApp groups
6. Study Notes (to be updated)
7. Special free live classes for UGC NET English aspirants
8. How to write answers in the exam?
A place where young scholars come to get INSPIRED
Please share your suggestions